At Belvedere British School we offer a broad, distinctive academic education for both boys and girls of 4 to 16 years of age. We pride ourselves on our long standing reputation for excellent results and high quality pastoral care for all students. The innovative and enriched curriculum reflects our vision and ethos and meets the needs and aspirations of students. These, together with our specialisms in modern foreign languages and science, offer a unique education experience for young people in Abu Dhabi and beyond.
Belvedere School pupils receive a robust, challenging and inspiring 21st Century education, preparing them for life and making the schooling years an enjoyable time filled with rich and memorable experiences. Each pupil’s unique skills and talents are released and enhanced in an environment of care and respect; one that promotes resilience, confidence, self-esteem and self-management skills. We will provide a creative, vibrant and academic education; one where expectations are high but aspirations for each and every child and young person are higher.
Belvedere British School – Primary Department
Belvedere British School is a multi-cultural, caring school community in which children are encouraged to become independent thinkers and learners from an early age within a safe and positive environment. Each individual child is valued, nurtured and encouraged to reach their full potential whilst developing a love of learning. The majority of learning is based on the English National Curriculum whilst including links to UAE culture.
The Primary Department runs from FS2 (4 years of age) to Year 6 where the children can make a smooth transition to Year 7 in our Secondary Department. The main subjects of Maths, English, Science, Computing, History and Geography are studied in Years 1 – 6 with streaming according to ability in English and Maths in Years 3 – 6. Arabic, Social Studies and Islamic Studies are also part of the curriculum and are taught by a team of specialist teachers. Children’s progress is carefully monitored by regular formal assessments and through on-going class work.
In addition to classroom-based subjects, the children have regular Physical Education and Art lessons. Our school also offers an extensive extra-curricular programme where the children not only develop their physical or creative skills, but enjoy making strong friendship bonds in a social and relaxed atmosphere.
Belvedere British School believes that children will progress if they are part of a happy environment. We place great emphasis on building a child’s self-confidence and ability by encouraging children in all aspects of school life, not purely in academic subjects. Regular celebratory assemblies are held and special certificates for a child’s achievements, however big or small, are part of Belvedere life. Each child belongs to a House Team which provides support for each other, whilst helping the children to engage in healthy competition. There is a strong partnership between school and home and we encourage parents to enjoy and participate in their children’s school life whenever possible.
Children who join Belvedere British School will have the advantage of a continual education from the age of 4 to the age of 18, although children are welcome to join at any year group age depending on the availability of places and completing our admissions standards.
Belvedere British School – Secondary Department
With students from nearly 50 countries, we celebrate our diversity. Have recently invested significantly in technologies for learning and we deliver a genuine and traditional English Curriculum with high staff to pupil ratios and a focus on 21st Century transferable skills to offer a truly international education which ‘prepares students for life.’
This year, Belvedere will be offering our students a range of GCSE and iGCSE through Edexcel as well as the ICDL and the Young Leaders Awards. Edexcel qualifications are recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide, they are an international passport to progression and success and offer a variety of routes for our learners making them ideally suited to the varied needs of our students, focusing on developing their skills, knowledge and understanding.
Key Facts
Ciaran Cunningham-Watson
AED 23600 - 31590
Facilities & Amenities
ADEK Evaluation
Performance over the years
Admission office is open from: 7.30am – 4.00pm
Belvedere British School operates restrictive entry/admissions procedure. The access procedures and admissions include an entrance examination. Pupils are assessed prior to and upon entry to the school to ensure individual needs are identified and met. The school seeks at all times to provide an individual service ensuring all assessed needs are met accordingly.
In addition, parents or guardians must complete the Belvedere Application Form, provided by the School. This form should be returned to the School before Term 3 of the academic year.
Belvedere British School requests that all children upon entry should be able to communicate in English at a level that is expected for their age group. Children of all nationalities are welcome to apply. The school will assess the child’s ability in English and if necessary will advise parents or guardians of summer school booster session in English Language when available.
Children with special needs are also very welcome to apply and the school will assess their ability and discuss with the parent or guardian whether the school can accommodate the child in order to provide the essential teaching, learning and care required. Each case is assessed individually based on the child’s needs.
From Year 7 onwards, boys and girls will be in separate classes, this will also be enforced in most extra-curricular activities.
We reserve the right to refuse admission to a student where we are unable to meet their educational needs.
Admission Process
For admission into Belvedere British School, please complete the appropriate Application Form for each child you wish to be admitted, Application Forms can be downloaded and printed from the links on this page. Each Application Form must be submitted with the child’s latest school report and the documents listed below.
For each Child’s application we will require the following documentation to be sent with the Application Form:
A scanned copy of :
- The child’s birth certificate
- The child’s passport
- The parent or guardian’s passport
- The latest School Report
After your child has been accepted at Belvedere British School, we will need to see the following ORIGINAL documentation, please note that if any of the following documents are not in English or Arabic then they will need to be translated in your home country by a legal body and attested.
- Child’s birth certificate.
- Child’s passport.
- Child’s Emirates ID which needs to be scanned into the eSiS system.
- Parent or guardian’s passport.
- Residency visa for child and parent.
- School report for the last full school year.
- Letter from the child’s previous school relating to the transfer.
- Tenancy Agreement or recent Electricity Bill
- 4 x coloured (not black and white) passport sized photographs of your child.
Admissions Procedure
Parents expressing an interest in the Belvedere British School are asked to complete and return our Registration of Interest Form. This may be completed at any time prior to entry.
Once we have received your Registration of Interest Form, we will contact you to book a suitable time for you to come and view the School. You may bring your child with you if you wish. There is no formal assessment of your child at this stage.
Entry to Belvedere British School is by a process of stages (formal assessment, interview, previous school reports and Transfer Letter). Offers of places are then based on adiscussion with parents as to how the school can meet their child’s needs. This is regardless of religion, ethnic background, or beliefs.
Prior to any formal offer of a place, children attend an Assessment Day, and if successful, are invited to return for an interview.
Based on the information we have gathered about your child (which would include his/her assessment results, interview, their previous school reports and transfer letter), we discuss with you how we feel your child would be able to have his/her skills and talents developed at Belvedere British School.
On the Assessment Day, we are testing the academic ability of your child. That is to enable us to gain their correct academic profile, they will sit the correct Assessment Test Paper for their age (English Spelling Test; English Writing Test; Numeracy Test).
According to their results from the Assessment Day, the next process will be a interview. It is at this interview that the Year Group your child is to be placed in will be discussed with families and decided (their age, the Year Group that they are currently in; their previous academic school report; and their transfer letter will all be taken into consideration before the Year Group is finally decided). We look forward to meeting you at this interview.
After this interview and subject to available places, you will receive an Offer of a Place with a start date indicated. You are required to complete the Acceptance Form and accept our Terms and Conditions.
Once we have received your confirmation, we provide you with all our necessary consent forms, uniform lists and any class information. Furthermore you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s Class Teacher and discuss your child’s transition to Belvedere British School.
Comming Soon!
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Overall Rating Score
Ciaran Cunningham-Watson
AED 23600 - 31590